Bill Doubleu
Welcome - I hope you find it comfortable here. You won't be sold anything.
Being Bisexual brought lots of conflict and complications to an already bewildered take on life. Resolving my sexuality led to a greater understanding of what makes life tick and how to make it tick better.
Sexuality is a fundamental part of who we are, yet, in our society, trying to figure it out isn't easy. We are told stories and given programs that don't add up. We end up suffering.
Buddhists say suffering is the result of unsatisfied desire. We are led to desire circumstances that don't satisfy. It is fruitful to rework the foundation of our understanding.
Straightening out sex and relationships transforms us into the happy campers we should be. It isn't easy. Spiritual seekers and religions find sex to be such a difficult problem they often cut sex out entirely.
The good news is that this problem can be resolved.
A Bisexual Man